Core and More Technologies Retains Status as a Google AdWords Certified Partner

Core and More Technologies – a New Jersey based provider of internet marketing and website development services – is excited to announce their recent status renewal as a Google AdWords Certified Partner. To acquire this status, a company must demonstrate expert level knowledge of the Google AdWords platform, as well as the ability to effectively manage accounts exceeding a specified expenditure.
While internet-based marketing has now gained the attention of executives worldwide, the competitive landscape for internet marketing providers continues to lack any established standards. Unlike other industries that have arisen in the digital age, there are very few viable certifications or accreditation programs available to distinguish one company from another.
“We consider our status as a Google AdWords Certified Partner to be a key distinction in a crowded marketplace”, said Andrew Young, President of Core and More Technologies. “Given Google’s dominant market share, businesses of all shapes and sizes must consider them to be the centerpiece of their online marketing strategy. However, it is very easy to become enamored by the buzzwords and almost unrealistic promises of many such service providers. The testing and account management requirements for this certification are designed to show that we have the knowledge, credibility, talent and expertise to offer the highest level of quality and value for our customers, and hence Google’s customers, through the AdWords platform.”
Other than the ongoing implementation of algorithm updates such as Penguin and the quality standards enforced by Google, the internet marketing industry remains completely unregulated. Not that this is a bad thing. However, Google alone generated over $36 billion in revenue via their paid search platform – accounting for 44% of global online advertising revenues. With these types of numbers, attempts to manipulate results becomes a concern.
“We have encountered numerous prospects who have opened up to us about their negative experiences with online marketing vendors. While they see the value and want to continue to invest in this area, they have doubts. There are also companies who rank internet marketing providers, and masquerade as being entirely objective when doing so. However, we have found their ranking to be based upon the amount that you are willing to pay them for their evaluation”, Young explained. “That is a business model, and not an honest evaluation. This increases the risk for businesses who may inadvertently choose to hire an entity whose only attempt at credibility was purchased, and not earned. At Core and More Technologies, we operate with full transparency and truly partner with our customers for their success. We have invested the time and training to become recognized by Google for a second consecutive year as an AdWords Certified Partner. That is acknowledgement from a company who has built the greatest relevance engine in human history and that is very valuable to us, our customers, and our prospects.”
About Core and More Technologies
Founded in early 2010, Core and More Technologies is fast becoming a leading U.S. provider of search engine optimization, paid search, social media marketing and website development services. They are a Google AdWords Certified Partner and enjoy various community affiliations including the Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce as well as the Better Business Bureau. Their customer-base is nationwide and includes leading Silicon Valley, CA. technology companies and global bio-pharmaceutical providers. They maintain a 100% customer retention rate and offer documented and tangible examples of 150-200% short-term visibility increases for their customers. For more information, please call (866)952-7999 or visit the Core and More Technologies website at
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