Digital Marketing & Production

Team Mindshare

Rather than a Penguin update, as had been anticipated, Google surprised everyone by undertaking a core ranking algorithm update.

For any company hoping to remain visible in increasingly competitive markets, search engine optimization is essential. It’s become standard for many people – including both consumers and business customers – to begin their search for a new product or service with a Google search. Those organizations with websites that pop up near the top of the first page of results will enjoy a tremendous advantage over their competitors.

Consequently, it’s critical for companies to pay close attention to Google’s algorithms. After all, these formulas will ultimately determine the search rankings for every keyword and phrase.

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The team at Core and More Technologies discusses the challenges of functional development considerations when it comes to website design for entities catering to an international audience. Equally important is the need to adjust content and messaging to account for varying needs and dialect for users across specific regions and social groups. At Core and More Technologies, we have built and refined techniques to overcome these major challenges – and create streamlined processes not only for deployment, but for consolidated updates to the multi-language web presence of global corporations.

When it comes to paid search promotion, there are many issues that businesses need to address. Among the most basic considerations that company leaders must confront is the question of where to focus their efforts. Which search channel or channels will prove the most useful for the firm in question?

In most cases, this deliberation will come down to a debate between Google and Bing ads. A lot of business leaders may initially assume that they should stick exclusively with Google AdWords, and that’s often true. But for many other firms, Bing Ads also offer significant value and should be utilized instead of or in conjunction with Google.

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Paid search advertising has seen major growth in recent years. Business decision-makers in a huge range of industries now recognize that they cannot afford to ignore search as part of their broader marketing strategies, and that search engine optimization efforts are naturally complemented by paid search advertising campaigns. Significantly, research from non-profit SEMPO recently revealed that marketers are now very confident in their ability to measure the return on investment from paid search efforts, suggesting this strategy is becoming more central to marketing as a whole.

What’s more, paid search is becoming more and more powerful. Writing for The Drum, Matthew Read recently noted that Google AdWords is increasingly making it possible for marketers to incorporate live data into their paid search advertising strategies.

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The team at Core and More Technologies discusses the importance of establishing sustainable, long-term visibility across all major search engines on terms that are highly relevant to your business, and how we can help to get you there. We talk about how we function much like your investment advisor would – recommending the strongest positions for growth, the potential for risk, and the balance between all.

By this point, paid search advertising is not exactly a new development. For years now, companies have had the opportunity to invest in this strategy, which ensures that their messaging appears prominently in front of the ideal group of consumers whenever they are most interested in a relevant search term. But while many industry experts have fully embraced paid search advertising, many others have been less quick to jump on this bandwagon. There are a number of reasons why corporate decision-makers may have hesitated to leverage paid search advertising to a significant degree, but likely one of the most significant is also the simplest: Marketers have not been completely confident that these strategies were worth the cost.

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The holiday season is picking up steam, and retailers across the country are ramping up their efforts to prepare for this all-important period. For a lot of companies, their performance in the coming weeks will be the major deciding factor in determining how successful they were during the year as a whole.

Given how critical the holiday season is, it’s obviously essential for retailers to step up their capabilities during this time. However, for many firms, there are a number of serious obstacles they must first overcome in order to maximize their holiday revenue. One of the most significant of these, a recent Temando survey revealed, is shipping. Put simply, many U.S. retailers do not currently have the capabilities they will need to meet holiday shoppers’ shipping expectations. 

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Core and More Technologies presents the third in a series of video blogs – this one on our website design offerings. We have developed top quality websites for numerous corporations across the United States. Our design and development approach is driven by a 4-step process of identifying goals, then conceptualizing designs, followed by testing and implementation, and ultimately leading to the launch of another industry-leading website!

In October, Yahoo and Google signed an agreement which could have major implications for both search engine optimization and search engine marketing. In the past, Yahoo had an exclusive arrangement with Microsoft Bing, wherein Bing ads would appear on Yahoo searches. However, earlier this year Yahoo and Microsoft renegotiated the terms of this deal, creating the opportunity for Yahoo to look elsewhere. That led to the new arrangement with Google.

Considering the importance of SEO, SEM and paid search for today’s businesses, it’s imperative for company decision-makers to understand the implications of this partnership, as well as if or how they should adjust their strategies in light of the new search environment.

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