Digital Marketing & Production

Team Mindshare

What Happened?

As of mid-afternoon on September 23, 2013 (at least in the U.S.), all organic search referral data coming through Google is no longer available.  The ‘keyword’ field, where this data was previously available in the Google Analytics dashboard, will now be populated with the value “(not provided)”.

All search through Google is now encrypted.  You will notice that when you go to, the URL is now prepended with ‘https://”.

The origin of this change dates back about two years ago.  It was around this time that the “(not provided)” value began showing up in referral data.  To be precise, it was in October of 2011 that Google began encrypting all searches for anyone logged in to Google. This was done to address evolving privacy concerns. Now, this change is being applied to all searches. In speaking with some of our partner marketing automation providers recently, this change has caused major headaches for them in terms of product accuracy.  And that slope just became much steeper.

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This month, we saw another great example of display advertising value.  In a one week span, one of our customers enjoyed nearly half a million impressions, over 3,000 clicks, and 50 conversions.  All at an average of .40 per click!  Conversely, their search campaign for the same product cost 7x per click and generated only half the conversions, and only 10% the number of impressions.

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If you have not seen this already – you need to take a look. Google has recently streamlined the approach to ‘remarketing’ within the AdWords platform.

Remarketing enables advertisers to refine their message to users who have previously visited their site via existing campaigns. You can build ‘lists’ based upon activities taken (or not taken for that matter) and then act intelligently upon that knowledge through additional campaigns. For example, if you sell printers and have a campaign promoting a specific model, you can create a list comprised entirely of those who have executed a purchase through that campaign. The next time someone included within that list is exposed to one of your ads via the Google Display Network, that ad can be designed to promote the ink cartridges for the printer that they recently purchased. Conversely, you can create a list of those who DID NOT complete a purchase — and design ads to encourage them back to the site to make the sale. This might include incenvites that were not available at the time they were originally exposed to the ad. In terms of targeting, these ads can be limited only to those within that list.

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Within the last several weeks, Google announced the release of ‘Auction Insights’ through its industry leading AdWords advertising platform.  This latest innovation from Google enables us to see who we are competing against on a per auction basis at the keyword level.  The additional transparency into the ad auction enables us to gain insight

This type of information has been sought after since the introduction of internet marketing.  Some savvy marketers have been able to gather some level of insight though a tedious manual process of data gathering and analysis or through third-party software tools.  In either case, the results were never very accurate, and the accompanying statistics were minimal.

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core and more technologies chrome OS As most of us already know, the Google Panda update brought with it significant changes to the way that the Google ranking algorithm evaluates website relevance.  We have referred to this update with our clients as Google “CUTIE”, that is “Cleaning Up The Internet for Everyone”.  While Google is understandably very close to the vest about the details of any such updates, they do emphasize one theme consistently; add value to the internet, and your site will do well.  Check out Google’s “Quality guidelines – basic principles” for more information. 
So what is Google Penguin?

Penguin, released on the 24th of April, is an update to the Google algorithm released with the intention of penalizing sites for over-optimization.  This is otherwise known as webspamming. (The “web” is inserted here to differentiate from “email” spamming).

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Our presentation at the 2012 New Jersey Burglar and Fire Alarm Association was a blast. Personally, I got to see some old friends whom I had not seen in some time. Throughout the course of both presentations, the interactive audience really drove the overall quality to another level. This was a lively bunch to say the least!

The feedback that followed on the trade-show floor was excellent. It was a very festive atmosphere. Everyone agreed on the power of Google — and the reach and relevance that can be gained via a strong presence through that one primary search engine.

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I have an expensive HTC Thunderbolt Smartphone from Verizon. The phone is great outside of the fact that it comes with a battery that dies within 3 hours when not connected to a power source, but that is another subject. I visited by local Verizon store once I noticed that, after about 5 months, I had only once had access to a 4G network — and that was in Philadelphia. They advised that north of a City here in New Jersey called Perth Amboy, everything is 4G and that it is coming this way “soon”.

So there I am at Newark Airport (yes, north of Perth Amboy) and I still only have a 3G connection. My Verizon representative would likely have told me to “reboot”.

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Granular – a buzzword – yes, perhaps. But it is a favorite word of mine nonetheless. Picture the pile of sawdust swept into the corner where a stack of 2×4’s have just been cut. Take each individual piece of that sawdust and spread it out on a table. Examine one piece at a time and identify characteristics that differentiate that one from the others. Repeat the process for all. Why would anyone ever want to do this? Well, they wouldn’t. It is about as exciting and productive as watching grass grow. But when it comes to traffic to your website and the measurement of your SEO efforts – you MUST demand this level of granularity out of your vendor. As a matter of fact, it should not be a demand, it should be part of the reports being supplied to you on a monthly — if not on a bi-weekly basis.

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