Author: Andrew Young

A colleague sent me a great article this morning on the subject.  It brought me back to the story of Google v. BMW Germany, 2006.  Google caught on to “black hat” techniques being employed on behalf of the defendant, and sentenced them to the “death penalty”.  That is, they were completely removed from the Google search indexes.

In this case,  JC Penney, a leading worldwide retailer — has been exposed.  It does not appear that the consequences will be as severe on this one…with Google’s renown spam “Chief of Police” Matt Cutts stating that Google is simply taking “corrective action”.  What ensued was a methodical series of demotions across a number of terms critical to the online marketing success of the company.

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These days, no internet marketing strategy is complete without a strong YouTube presence.  According to Hitwise on November 13, 2010 – YouTube is now the #2 Social Networking website in the world with a market share of 19%, second only to Facebook.  Also, YouTube continues to increase their share of the search engine market – especially among users 18 years old and under.  If you have not created a YouTube channel for your company, it must be on the top of your to-do list.

YouTube has revolutionized the way that you can demonstrate what you do through inexpensive video productions.  That this medium is increasingly preferred to standard text and static image ads has been statistically proven.  Add to this the fact that you can quickly create compelling AdWords campaigns with high quality score tied directly to your YouTube videos, and the opportunity becomes even that much more appealing.

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“Paid Search” and all related terms yield millions of results through all of the major search engines.  Top 10 results on any terms relating to this industry requires careful planning, expertise and experience.  With over 7 million results returned and tons of paid search ads surrounding the natural results, Core and More Technologies is proud to have attained top 3 ranking on the term Continue reading

AtHoc, Inc. is an innovative and technology savvy Silicone Valley, CA. based customer and provider of mass notification and emergency communication systems. At this point – six months into our engagement, we have helped to drive the highest traffic, highest rate of conversions, highest number of pages per visit and lowest bounce rate in the last 5 years of recorded company history. We are excited to congratulate AtHoc on their success, and would like to share this latest testimonial:

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With the release of Google Instant a couple of weeks back – the rumor mill began cranking full speed with stories of doom, gloom and general anarchy.  Very similar to when Google released AdWords.  All corners were announcing the death of SEO relevance and the “fact” that Google was no longer a “company of the people”.

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As we continue to monitor the effect of the Bing-Yahoo integration in our rank tracking results (not only for our customers but for ourselves), one thing is clear:  the fluctuation and inconsistency in those results continues.  This leads us to believe that the dust has not yet settled.

For those who might not have been aware as yet, on August 24th the Bing search engine indexes officially began powering Yahoo search results.  If you are skeptical, just do a search via Yahoo and note that it says “Powered by Bing™” in the bottom center of the results page.

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And it should be getting more attention.  As Bing and Yahoo continue forward on their transition, a milestone has been reached.  Bing results are now powering Yahoo results in the US and Canada!  Depending upon how you rank on either, this could be good news – or terrible news.

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Through their proven expertise leveraging Google AdWords and a strong SEO ideation process for organic growth, Core and More Technologies has helped AtHoc, Inc. to enjoy an incredible 65% increase in traffic to their site! By working with internal AtHoc marketing personnel, Core and More Technologies first gained a detailed understanding of the AtHoc short and long-term vertical marketing strategy. This was then translated into a comprehensive list of keywords most likely to be used by those seeking the products and solutions that AtHoc offers. These keywords were then strategically placed throughout the Google content network while the AtHoc website was optimized to achieve higher visibility across the major search engines. We are very excited about this first set of results!

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